The Ideal Student.

After changing a new background, I fell like a school girl again~ Mood : School girl ! My definition of an ideal student ----> is one who excels in his/her : studies does superbly in co-curricular xtvties participates in school plays and debates and is well-behaved It is very probable that such a student doesn't exist, but we should all try to be one! agree with me ? -__- schools . . . were built to teach and advance knowledge. Therefore, the first and foremost priority of a student is to try his/her utmost to excel in academic subjects. # we should revise the lesson learnt in school regularly. Besides, we should opt for a co-curricular xtvt that we're interested in and try to become as proficient as possible in that xtvt (I'm trying too) ^__^ #Taking part in plays help us develop and appreciate the arts while debates and oratorical competitions teach us the valueable art of public speaking. And the last but not least, ...are good man...